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Pune February 2023

Tamara Hockey
Feb 20, 20236 min read
Days 19 and 20 - Day Off and Rajalaxmi Backbends
Another thoroughly enjoyable Sunday, with a morning of pranayama and asana practice followed by a long afternoon socialising at the pool...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 18, 20235 min read
Day 18 - Sunita Advanced Class - Ropes.
I've had a challenging few days managing my mysterious back problem - I've basically had to throw the rule book out and start from...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 16, 20234 min read
Day 16 - Down but not out! (And Gulnaz Backbends)
Oh dear! my back has not been good today and ended up sitting out of Gulnaz's class and observing instead. On the plus side, this means I...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 15, 20236 min read
Day 15 - Abhijata Advanced Class Backbends.
My back was still feeling a bit vulnerable this morning , but thankfully it is okay with backbends so I was able to join the class. We...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 14, 20236 min read
Day 14 - Backbend Actions in Standing Poses with Abhijata
We've reached the mid point of the month and I feel like I've been here forever! Life has settled down into a lovely rhythm of practice,...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 13, 20236 min read
Day Off and Day 13 Leg Work and Forward Extensions with Rajalaxmi
Sue and I headed off early to the market at Tulsi Baug to beat the heat of the day and hopefully avoid the worst of the crowds. Pune...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 11, 20237 min read
Day 11 - Leg extensions with Sunita
The last couple of days have been really positive - the abundance of time that I have compared to usual has meant a wonderful rekindling...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 9, 20233 min read
Day 9 - Eka Padas with Gulnaz
Early start today for Rajalaxmi's pranayama where we sat quietly for viloma inhalations and exhalations, preparing the body with a very...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 8, 20238 min read
Day 8 - Forward Bends Advanced class with Sunita
I loved today's class! Sunita taught a thorough and comprehensive forward bend class, once again getting straight to the point so that...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 7, 20234 min read
Day 7 - Gulnaz - Forward Bends
A quiet day for me today. I braved the practice session at the institute and reaffirmed to myself that I don't really practice properly...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 6, 20237 min read
Days 5 and 6 - Day off and Standing Poses with Rajalaxmi
Behind the red door is a shrine to the Godess Lakshmi which this friendly lady invited us inside to see. Oh what a lovely couple of days...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 4, 20237 min read
Day 4 - Advanced Class - Sunita
Apologies, no blog yesterday as there was no evening intermediate class for me to attend, only Prashant's 7am which was too early for me...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 2, 20235 min read
Day 2 - Pranayama and Standing Poses
Upon first arriving at the institute I was momentarily disorientated as instead of walking around to the back of the building, we were...
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 1, 20234 min read
Day 1 and Goa trip
I flew into Pune today after spending a few days in Arambol Goa - the last time I visited this area was 1996 and I vaguely remembered...
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