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Tamara Hockey
Mar 1, 20166 min read
29th February - Abhi
<p>It’s 5am and we’re sat in Mumbai airport waiting for our 7am flight to Heathrow. It’s been a loong day. Managed to get some sleep last night and enjoyed our last ‘holiday’ morning – practice, swim and breakfast by the pool. We had booked an air conditioned sleeper bus back to Pune with Swami Travel […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 27, 201611 min read
27th February Abhi Pranayama
<p>I’d like to start by saying that this was such an excellent class that it will be impossible for my notes to do it any kind of justice. Almost every sentence spoken carried something of importance and of course there’s no way for me to remember it all. For those who were also at the […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 25, 20166 min read
25th February Raya Pranayama
<p>Woke up feeling buoyant and launched a revenge attack on Mr. Next Door who treats me to full technicolour renditions of his hawking up repertoire every morning and night without fail, so today I treated him to full volume”Let it Go” as I took my pre- practice shower. Unfortunately our bathroom windows back on to […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 21, 20162 min read
21st February Day Off
<p>Woke late and sat on the balcony enjoying a sunny cup of lemon grass tea and watched a large group of boys playing in the road, whooping and catcalling and laughing – having an absolute whale of a time playing some game with a wire mesh and a ball. Had a shortened practice and headed […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 19, 20164 min read
19th February Pranayama
<p>We had scariest ever rickshaw ride today en route to the Incense shop in Phadke Haud. Over the weeks we’ve been here we’ve hardened ourselves to the twists and turns of an average rickshaw ride – but this was something else. First off he careened out onto the wrong side of the dual carriageway – […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 15, 20164 min read
15th February – Abhi
<p>Awoke in the deep dark to a knock on our door – it was pre-yoga tea being delivered. Opened the curtains and sipped lemon balm tea as the sun came up and the lake gradually brightened into its full glorious beauty. We skipped the yoga class and practiced on a sunny outdoor terrace overlooking the […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 14, 20163 min read
14th February – Day Off – Kare – Ayurvedic Spa
<p> Sunday morning whizzing through the streets of Pune, what a visual feast! The KARE van came to collect me at 9.30am for just over an hour’s drive to the hills on the outskirts of Pune, overlooking Mulshi Lake. The streets were full of life, people going about their Sunday morning business; the coffee shops […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 13, 20164 min read
13th February – Women’s Class – Sunita
<p>I felt a curious resistance going into the institute today – I wasn’t really sure I was up for it, having worked hard all week both in standing poses and the parivrrta seated poses, as well as in my own practice. I felt still more apprehension as Sunita walked in, remembering Wednesday’s tough class. I […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 12, 20165 min read
12th February – Abhi – Pranayama
<p>As I was contemplating writing today’s blog and feeling perhaps that I could do with a few more adventures to report on – I remembered a chuckle my friend Frances and I often have – about how, as long as we have the space to practice yoga, life for us is good. So even the […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 11, 20164 min read
11th February – Raya
<p> Had a looong practice this morning and a restful afternoon (by ‘restful’ read ‘long snooze’ – I feel guilty mentioning this as I know just how hard my partner at home is having to work while I’m away). Headed into Raya’s class knowing it would be busy, as Prasant’s normal class this morning was […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 10, 20163 min read
10th February – Women’s Class
<p>Stayed up stupidly late last night for no particular reason so was tired and a bit droopy this morning. Headed over to Women’s class and as always there was a slight frission of expectation in the air – who would we get? The men’s enclave needed room for expansion so we were asked to move […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 4, 20161 min read
Yoga Holiday in the Maldives with Tamara 2017 / 2018
<p> or like my Facebook page <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 2, 20164 min read
February 2nd – Rajalaxmi
<p>Woke up late and groggy – still having a few problems with blood sugar and had a disturbed night dealing with hypoglycaemia. Also had a bit of a delicate tummy and realised I have left my supply of grapefruit seed extract at home (natural and very effective remedy for intestinal parasite, diarrhoea etc.). So once […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 1, 20165 min read
February 1st 2016 – Abhijata – Exhilarated!
<p>I awoke early to a menagerie of different sounds flowing into the room – bird song, loudspeaker aerobics class in the park (familiar from last visit!), revving engines and fruit sellers each with their distinctive call.Felt quite unwell, low in energy and something definitely not right. Was very worried that I was coming down with […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 8, 20141 min read
Index Page
<p>For my 2013 blog visit For my 2016 blog visit For details about my 2017 /2018 Iyengar yoga holidays in the Maldives visit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 5, 20143 min read
Day 30
<p>Sure is quiet around here! Half the people have gone already and not many of next month’s intake have shown their faces in the practice room yet. Though the newbies are fun to watch as they catch their first sight of Mr Iyengar relaxing on a deck chair on his porch not five feet away […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 5, 20142 min read
Day 28
<p>Slept about 11 hours last night! I had expected to be up in time to practice before observing the older person’s class, but alas having woken at 5.30am and decided it was too early, didn’t open my eyes agin until 8am. The health of this place is really beginning to sink into my bones. Enjoyed […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 4, 20142 min read
Day 23
<p>Our second day without internet connection, so gawd knows when I’ll be able to post this. Feeling the squeeze not being able to communicate with the family. I awoke early and not as refreshed as I would have liked, but it meant I got to the practice a little earlier than usual. As I rounded […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 4, 20143 min read
Day 17
<p> Wonderful Practice Space, complete with miniature Patanjali  Woke up this morning completely deaf in one ear – ever since swimming there has been water slooshing about in there and now the ear is completely blocked. Have been putting drops in hoping to clear the blockage, but instead just filling my poor ear canal […]</p>
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Tamara Hockey
Feb 4, 20142 min read
Day 16
<p>Â After practice headed off in rickshaw for FabIndia, stopping at Rupali for breakfast on the way – a Thali! see pic. Â Â Was tired after having big hypo in the night, despite only taking a teeny 2 units of insulin with my dinner. I chatted to Dr. Manoj about the diabetes work we […]</p>
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