After practice headed off in rickshaw for FabIndia, stopping at Rupali for breakfast on the way – a Thali! see pic.

Was tired after having big hypo in the night, despite only taking a teeny 2 units of insulin with my dinner. I chatted to Dr. Manoj about the diabetes work we are doing and he warned me not to place too much importance on the c-peptide test – there are many other ways the effect of the yoga may show itself. To be honest I’m happy just to be here and doing the work – I haven’t my heart set on any particular outcome – having the chance to work with Guruji is reward enough.
We had a lot of trouble finding FabIndia but we ran across this intriguing demonstration by local women – absolutely no idea what they were protesting about, but it made an interesting sight, the whole lot of them in their saris chanting and waving their arms about. We were just beginning to think about giving up and heading home, as one after the other rickshaw drivers gave us a blank stare when we said where we wanted to go – when we were rescued by a lovely young indian man who called up the shop on his mobile and got directions for us. It’s a strange fact that most places aren’t known by their address, but by a nearby landmark. You could be only two streets away from the Institute and nobody would know what you were talking about – you have to ask for the Toyota Showroom and direct them from there! BKS Iyengar is MUCH more famous in the western world than in his own home city.
Tomorrow I have been given permission to attend Geeta’s pranayama class instead of medical.The system this year for allocating classes is different to last year, when we could choose whatever we wanted as long as it was only one per day. Now most people are doing Prasant Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Geeta Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
