Our second day without internet connection, so gawd knows when I’ll be able to post this. Feeling the squeeze not being able to communicate with the family.
I awoke early and not as refreshed as I would have liked, but it meant I got to the practice a little earlier than usual. As I rounded the corner I saw that Guruji was still sat in his special spot and I went and greeted him. Most days when I arrive he is already up in the practice hall. Since arriving on this trip he has steadfastly ignored my greetings or thanks which in itself has made me hesitant to approach him. This morning though, I was awarded with a lovely smile and he said Namaste. My spirits lifted tremendously with this – I really have found his displeasure so hard to bear.
I found I was too tired to be much good in the practice session. Once again Abi’s tiny daughter came and paid a visit to her great grandfather and mother. They took a ten minute break from the daily teaching session to sit and coo at her and again she got the Guruji headstand treatment. I was surprised to see three hours had passed, I didn’t feel I’d done anything in particular and left feeling a bit fed up to go home for a sleep.
Medical was much the same, I knew Guruji would not be attending today as I heard him leave instructions with Stephanie to repeat yesterday’s work. The practice hall felt hot, over-crowded and chaotic. Somehow nothing quite clicked and it was hard to recreate the same sense of purpose. I think I might practice at home tomorrow and see if I can get more solid grip on the work I am doing in quieter surroundings.