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Day 23 Geetaji Backbends

Tamara Hockey

Updated: Jan 20

1980-01-06 05.44.15

Yes once again expecting Guruji / Abhijata combo and in came Geetatji, thankfully in better form today. Some wonderful Geeta instructions: In Sarvangasana it should be like flying, never sink down heavy, the cervical the dorsal has to lift up, FLY! and in Savasana imagine there is a staircase going down the throat and the tongue has to descend down those stairs.We did a bankbend sequence (AMS / UTT sequence, Sirsasana, AM Vrksasana, Standing Back Arch x 5 interlock the fingers to roll back the shoulders and swing your arms inbetween your legs, ustrasana – divide the knee, the bottom half belongs to the shin, the top half has to lift up with the thigh same interlocking and swinging, Urdhva Dhanusrasana, Dhanurasana, Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Rajkapotasana prep (bhujangasana arms, dhanurasana legs), supta swasktikasana, chatushpadasana, sarvangasana).Geeta has the same ability as Guruji to make you work harder than you ever thought possible (though not as constantly), in Sarvangasana she had us bending the legs into virasana and pounding the pelvis and thighs forward, so much we had to push there was groaning and almost gutteral moaning – in response to which she said “That sound, yes that is it, that is the movement”.

1980-01-06 06.43.06

We spent the evening shopping, shopping, shopping on the MG Road, note to self – DO NOT BUY ANY MORE PRESENTS FOR JOSIE. We had fun and both enjoyed not being with partner who is (and I quote) “Glazing over” at the first shop.

For Josie



·       Swastikasana invocation – the first thing you have to learn in yoga to be able to keep the body alert and active and the mind passive.

·       AMS / Uttansana Sequence x 2 each

AMS: Front thighs to back thighs, lengthening the side body taking outer hips up, pressing the little finger side of the palm and the outer edges of the feet. Lengthen the side trunk before spine in.

UTT: Length of side trunk. Take hands broad, outside feet to take dorsal in. Same action in thighs front to back and broadness.

·       Sirsasana: Virasana legs, point toes to floor, middle buttock forward.

Extend legs up pointing toes to ceiling keeping middle buttock forward.

·       AMVrksasana: Point toes to ceiling

·       Standing Back Arch x 5: Hands on back thighs. On 3rd attempt interlock fingers and swing your hands between the legs.

·       Ustrasana x 4:  Grounding of feet & shins. Not exactly on the knee – bottom half of knee belongs to shin, top half belongs to thigh. Lift up front thigh and pelvis. Lift the uterus / pelvic floor. Interlock fingers and swing hands between thighs before and AFTER catching feet.

·       2 groups Urdhva Dhanusrasna / Dhanurasana

Urdhva Dhansurasana: Wrists at wall, lift of mid buttock then chest to wall

Dhanurasana: Press middle buttock, lift sides of chest.

·       2 groups Viparita Dandasana / Rajkapotasana Prep

Viparita Dandasana: Lift middle buttock then chest to wall.

Rajkapotasana:  Arms like bhujangasana (UMS) legs / pelvis like dhanurasana. If you can’t lift the chest take the hands wider. Straighten the arms.

·       Supta Swastikasana: Long stay while she talked

·       Chatushpadasana: on sarvangasana set up

·       Sarvangasana: Bend knees same like we did in sirsasana . So much we had to push the pelvis and thighs forward (groaning all around).

Should be like flying – never sink down – dorsal in and up. She said if she was in our place she would have taken a thinly folded mat for the centre because cervical spine has to lift and shoulders have to descend

·       Savasana – Throat soft make the well. Imagine there is a staircase going down the throat and the tongue is descending down those stairs. Ears descend down to the floor.

Geetaji Sequence: day-23-geetaji-backbends


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