Veg man taking his siesta atop his barrow.Mini Blog today as heading off for Goa bus shortly – internet connection uncertain over the next few days.Woke up feeling wonderful after Geetaji’s class yesterday, lots of springy energy in legs, sacrum and spine. Couldn’t put my finger on why – partly I think it is the cumulative effect of the programme here. Day after day after day of well taught yoga. Partly I think it was the work we did pushing the pelvis and thighs forward in virasana sirsasana / sarvangasana – I think I’m losing a lot of energy there normally.Medical class at 4pm. Stephanie was caught up working with Guruji on a patient so she didn’t have time for much input. Didn’t manage to make the movements quite as effective and my motivation wasn’t as strong today, so the results good but not so profound. Sugar started at 11.9 and ended at 6.1 – those kinds of drops can happen just anyway, so nothing conclusive. Fingers crossed for a smooth journey tonight – all fine so long as the taxi shows up, it can find the bus pickup place and bus arrives (often they can be delayed by many hours!)Jenny has just skipped in after a super-dynamic backbend class with Gulnaz. Is there a niyama which states “Though shalt not covet thy neighbour’s class”?

A haven of peace. Ganesh shrine getting it’s daily spruce up aside the busiest road ever!