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Day 28

Tamara Hockey

Slept about 11 hours last night! I had expected to be up in time to practice before observing the older person’s class, but alas having woken at 5.30am and decided it was too early, didn’t open my eyes agin until 8am. The health of this place is really beginning to sink into my bones.

Enjoyed my walk through the park to the institute, the morning energy is lovely, there is always something happening, always something to see, smell, hear. First I walk past some kind of temple where at this time there is always music – bells ringing, cymbals clashing, chanting. A joyful cacophany of worship. Today outside was an old oxen and cart.

Then the park itself is a bustling hive of activity – there are always half a dozen or so women sweeping up the leaves from under the trees and gathering them in huge baskets which they carry on their heads. It’s a liitle like painting the golden gate bridge though – a never ending task and I’m not sure why it’s necessary anyhow, wouldn’t the leaves help to preserve mositure and nutrients for the trees above? You know how they say you’re never more than seven feet away from a rat (or from someone who’ll tell you you’re never more than seven feet from a rat) – well in India you’re never more than seven feet away from someone sweeping. It’s a national occupation and the sound of a swishing besom is an almost constant back drop. It’s hard to understand why – what would happen if all the sweeping stopped? We seem to manage at home without continuous sweeping.

Guruji was in attendance at medical class but didn’t work with me today. Sometimes I think he is observing and next time he comes he will have planned the next course of action. Gerry got some personal tuition from him in sirsasana during the practice session today. I spent some time selecting and ordering photos for Yogawest and also getting quotes for ropes for the new studio I hope to open in the coming months. Finally the internet guy came to fix our internet, I felt like hugging him so pleased I was to see him!

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