Got up and headed over to observe the Senior Citizens. As I arrived Guruji was sat on the bench just beside the door to the Institute. I went over and greeted him, feeling much more relaxed around him than when we first arrived. There were 35 in the class today – a testament to the excellent teaching they receive from Sushma.Both the practice session and the observations have become SO much quieter, a lot have gone home already – missing Pranayama week, the crazy fools!Had to completely amend my medical programme today to accommodate menstruation / the dreaded Delhi belly. Stephanie also gave me some grapefruit seed extract which is excellent for intestinal parasite / infections. This can’t be bought locally so it’s a good idea to bring it with you. My programme consisted of lots of supine work, with plenty of support so as to climb up on to it and make lots of space between the lower ribs and a real separation between abdomen and chest. (Supta baddha Konasana, Supta Virasana, then repeat both t-shaped 4 bolster support, like setu bandha chest, finished with x bolsters) It took a while, but eventually I could feel the tension releasing and the breath becoming spontaneous, deep and healing. Guess I’m tensing up with the travelling fast approaching on Friday.

In the evening I headed over to Dorabjees, Jenny decided to skip it because she’s recovering from a cold and the fumes are always terrible. I was slightly nervous because it gets dark early (it’s also Winter here, even though daytime temperature is 30 degrees). Got quite an aggressive and not very careful rickshaw driver. Usually even though I spend quite a bit of the drive with my eyes squeezed tightly shut I kind of know it’s fine and they know what they’re doing. Not so with this one – he kept making bad judgement calls and screeching to a halt until eventually he actually did smack into the side of another rickshaw, unleashing a torrent of abuse in Maharati and driving off. Felt the tension I’d shed creeping back in and was very glad to get out of there in one piece.Rounded off the day reading a bedtime story to Josie (and inadvertently Jenny!) over Skype. Only four days till we are reunited. Final Guruji class in the morning.

Senior Citizens Class – Day 29 – 1 hour
· Seated swastikasana – the students knew themselves 1 or 2 bolsters. Sit straight, sit tall, keep chest lifted on the exhalation. Invocation.
· “Everyone is fine?” quick conversation to check if some need different work. Interlock fingers, palms up hands on head, elbows out, then inhale raise arms up, lock elbows, elbows taut, take fingers on head, release change interlock. Baddangullyasana.
· Urdhva Hasta swastikasana, Parsva U H Swastikasana, hands down one to knee one to bolster, Parsva Swastikasana, sit tall, inhale arms up, come to the centre. Repeat other side. (one cross of legs baddangullyasana, other parsva swastikasana left and right side)
· Baddha Konasana – Press fingers down, Sit tall, shoulders broad, move back ribs in, head straight, neck straight, open feet like a book, open arches. Don’t pressurise your mounds or the knees will come up – mounds apart. Knees down, extend spine UP.
· Right leg Upavista, left leg baddha konasana – straight your right leg, toes towards you, press the leg down, hands down, extend the back leg, sit tall. Left leg upavista, right leg baddha konasana. Repeat both sides, not too long stay.
· Now Stand
· Feet apart, arms up Urdhva Hastasana, Uttansana CCB fingertips to bolster. Inhale Urdhva Hasatasana, exhale Uttansana CCB x3 . Knees tight.
· Prasarita Paddottonasna 1 minute standing straight. ‘Those who can easily go down, don’t use bolster’ feet 4 feet apart, heels out toes in, suck your kneecaps in, open your back knee, don’t puff your abdomen, pressurise the outer feet and create arch in the feet. Exhale hands down CCB 15 secs ‘Inhale and come up Urdhva Hasta’ Exhale and go down ‘Lengthen your spine, exhale head down, shoulders broad’ 5 seconds only.
· AMS No props Bend your knees, rest your palms down on the floor, walk back with your legs. ‘Lock your knees, right hand right leg in one line, left etc etc, move your chest towards the knees, Inhale walk forward and come up’
· AMS into UMS move your abdomen towards the spine, exhale swing forwards UMS elbows locked. Swing between the two x 3
· Fold your sticky mats, take thick mats and one or two bolsters Virasana bolster/s for buttocks thin edge. Those who needed had three like mum, 2 to kneel on, one between buttocks and feet. One woman given brick on top of bolster to sit on. Hands on feet, sit tall, knees together, extend arms forward, interlock fingers, Baddangullyasana
· Extend legs forward Urdhva Hasta Dandasana into CCB Paschimottonasna 5 secs Inhale and come up UH Dandasana Exhale and come down CCB Paschimottonasana Hands to feet where poss, no belts, they just reached as close as they could.
· Supta Swastikasana Vertical bolster spine wise, blanket for head and neck. ‘Hold your mat, roll your shoulders back, move your shoulder blades deeper inside, take your chin down, neck relaxed’ 2 mins ‘Now you turn your palms, facing ceiling’ ‘Turn your thumb towards the floor’ ‘Let go everywhere’ ‘Slow soft inhalation, slow soft exhalation’ ‘Eyes closed, there should be no wrinkles on your face’ ‘Face quiet, eyeballs deeper into the socket towards the back brain, tongue resting in the lower palate, quieten yourself’ 10 mins change leg position ‘Separate the abdomen and chest areas, feel the distance, diaphragm broad’ 5 mins Now take the arms over the head and fold elbows ‘Vertical extension from your side ribs, feel that’ ‘Eyes quiet, face quiet, brain relaxed’ 2mins ‘Change your arm position’ ‘Slowly bring your arms down’ ‘Now we’ll do Supta Baddha Konasana 5 mins ‘Left lung on left side, right lung on right side, feel that’ ‘Do not lift the chin or the brain will get busy’
· Savasana bolster on thighs 10 mins ‘Release the buttock muscles down towards the feet’ ‘Hold your mat, roll your shoulders back, lift your chest, create space in the bottom chest area, release the mat palms up, turn your thumbs towards the floor’ ‘Now drop your feet sideways, little toes towards the floor’ ‘With closed eyes don’t look towards the outside, vision towards your feet’ ‘Abdomen soft’ ‘Surrender yourself with the exhalation breath’ Remove bolster, roll to the right side 1 min, don’t come up suddenly, open eyes slowly’
One persistent cougher was given a bolster and she sat straight up on bolster in swastikasana.
Today’s Senior Class sequence: senior-4th-observation_b