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Day 30

Tamara Hockey

Sure is quiet around here! Half the people have gone already and not many of next month’s intake have shown their faces in the practice room yet. Though the newbies are fun to watch as they catch their first sight of Mr Iyengar relaxing on a deck chair on his porch not five feet away from them. Lots of whispering and surrepticious glances! It is surprising how freely he mixes with everyone, though mostly students keep a respectful distance.

Speaking of which, after I had greeted him this morning it was my opportunity to talk to him about how I was feeling from the work he has given me and to thank him for his teaching. I hesitated and the moment passed as someone else came to discuss matters with him. I’ll try and catch him (and my courage) before practice tomorrow.

I have a car booked to take me and Nicola to Mumbai tomorrow afternoon stopping en-route at the Mumbai Yogashraya to purchase ropes for my future studio, which Lynda assures me are of a superior quality to the ones I could easily have purchased here! I’ve also got twenty empty bolster covers to fill with cotton in the UK as the size and weight of the filled bolsters makes shipping expensive.

This month’s work has been challenging and interesting and hasn’t led at all where I originally expected it to. We have worked very little on the rinsing and stimulating actions that we focussed on last year, with very obvious results on my blood sugar levels. Instead with Guruji’s guidance we have focussed on work that has strengthened and energised the organs of the back body. He gave me a supported Navasana in such a way that I was actually able to feel my pancreas and with this I was able to draw it right up into the body – energetically it feels as if it’s lifted and toned. Interestingly, whatever pose I work in, if I can get this ‘drawing up’ feeling in the pancreas (which is between the stomach and the spine, behind the V shape of the front ribs) it completely corrects the positioning of the lower body – abdomen feels long and lean and no more lordosis. So now I’m doing ‘navasana’ in tadasana, sirsasana, full arm balance etc. It just goes to illustrate how it’s all connected and I’m so glad I’ve found a way to work on this – it just didn’t feel right trying to slam the lumbar back artificially. I do hope to continue the work when I get home, with a view to coming back to Pune as soon as I’ve raised the funds.

Things I am going to miss about Pune: 1)The excellent yoga and excellent teachers 2) Sunshine 3) Luscious fresh fruit 4) Spiritual Vibrancy

Things I am NOT going to miss about Pune: 1) This bloody rock-hard bed (I am getting arse ache just sitting on it, never mind sleeping on it, might as well put a sheet on a concrete slab 2)Pollution 3)YES maam? 4) The utter impossibility of organising anything in a straight forward manner.

When the cab company (that is the one most often recommended by others KK Travel) that didn’t respond to my online booking and then cut me off when I rang them, finally rang to confirm the booking I was very relieved – that is until the confirmation email arrived with the WRONG date on it. Three phone calls later (each one getting passed around, so that I had to explain the same thing and answer the same questions continuously) they are refusing to send me a confirmation with the correct date on it, I just have to trust that they WILL turn up…

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