Holy Moly! I reckon there were 200 plus people in class in a space smaller than main studio of Yogawest. First we were told to go mat to mat, then we were told to fold our mats in half and use every spare inch. The organisation done by Gulnaz with microphone took 20 minutes before Geeta even entered the room. I wish cameras were allowed inside as I’d love to have captured the scene for you. Never again will I think a class is too crowded to teach, that was the mother of all crowded classes and still Geeta managed to teach some beautiful pranayama.We had to make the brain like the balloon with the air draining out on the exhalation and the chest with the balloon inflated. Even the pores of the skin had to recede. Despite the close proximity of so many people I was able to find some internal space and enjoyed the clarity of her teaching very much.The group had been divided so that all the first timers at the institute were in one area. We began lying down in crossed legs on a tri folded blanket and worked on creating the necessary quietness inside, we did some ujayyii to aereate the lungs and then seated ujayyii with a pause at the end of inhalation.After this the first timers were asked to leave while she went on to teach some digital pranayama to the students who had attended the institute before.I felt a bit sad about this as whether you have been to the institute before doesn’t necessarily dicatate your level of maturity as a practitioner. However the separation according to your level had to made somehow and this was how it was done. I found out from Jenny later that the remaining students had received the bxxxxxxxing of a lifetime for their lack of knowledge / preparation. They were doing anuloma pranayama and Geeta was extremely discouraged to find that most did not know what this entailed. She fired questions at individuals and was upset that people did not know. The whole class left humbled and chastened at their lack of preparation and self study.So I doubt we will be the only ones buying Light on Pranayama from the institute shop tomorrow and we’ll all be there with nails shorn ready for next weeks class!

Our two lovely cooks today