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Day 5 Guruji and Abhijata

Tamara Hockey

Updated: Jan 20


We arrived 45 minutes early to class and had that sinking feeling as the shoe racks came into view already full to bursting. It was with some relief we realised that the shoes were for Prashant’s class that had started at 7am.Good! The crowd would be split, unlike the previous evening. Guruji and Abhijata’s class was again busy but manageable. The parameters for ‘busy’ have changed for ever! A standing pose sequence was taught: Tadasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana, vira 1, ardha chandrasana, vira 3, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasna, prasarita paddottonasana, parsvottonasana, adho mukha svansana, paschimottonasana, janu sirsasana, paschimottonasana, sirsasana, halasana, sarvangasana.It was gruelling, I was internally begging for mercy by the 4th repeat of Vira 1. At this point Abi said “I was intending to teach you a whole sequence of standing poses but you are so slow to learn we are stuck here still!”The class was again packed full of learning from the very beginning in tadasana to the very end in sarvangasana. The attention and concentration required to follow was demanding and constant. A new focus in every pose and also a consistent theme running through the entire class. Teaching at it’s very best, this is exactly why I am here and I am so grateful to have finally made it!I plucked up the courage to go and thank Guruji afterwards for the class and received the same nod of acknowledgement.

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Now you might think after a class like that we would have had the good sense to stay home and rest, but no after a brief respite to eat and write notes, somehow we found ourselves in a rickshaw weaving through heavy traffic to Laxmi Road Market. This was a real assault to the senses; the Ganesha Temple (see pic above), the stalls selling garlands and coconuts as offerings (shame you can’t smell images).

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2013-01-05 17.16.06


Here we spent a good few hours battling the throng buying clothes, presents and bits and bobs for the apartment. Home via the fruit market again for more fresh figs and chinese goosberries.

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Day 5 Abhijata and Guruji


Tadasana – Identifying the front and back arch and pressing firmly.

                        Harden the inner knees and move them back

The long thigh bones BACK BACK BACK. Make the femurs vertical,      not slanting forwards. Then feel the knees.

Trikonasana – Flex at the hip to go down all the while keep the outer back corner of the thigh back to go down. Keep the weight on the HEEL of the front foot, we always go forwards onto the sole.

Parsvakonasana – Flex at the hip to go down. Keep the outer top thigh drawing back. Buttock should be LOWER than the knee. Do not allow the hip to bounce up when the arm goes over the ear.

Vira 1 – Inner back thigh hit up. Bend the knee from the groin. Move the tailbone to the groin, groin to the knee – forget bending the knee. Repeated 5 times each side.

Ardha Chandrasana – For the confidence and stability back and front arch of the standing foot must press. Same action in top foot. Refined rotation in hip demonstrated on stage. Not to over roll the top hip up. Bottom of the top hip facing forwards, top of the top hip lift UP. Front flank of top hip facing front, back flank of top hip lifting up, buttocks stacked vertically one over the other.

Vira 3 – Same emphasis on foot. Upper leg foot both sides parallel do not let inner foot shrink. We put the hands down to get the action of the top leg then we pressed both sides of the arch down to lift the hands off of the floor.

Parivrrta Tikonasana – Even menstruation could do if they followed his instructions. Turn from the back hip, do not turn from the torso. Inner thighs hitting away from each other.

Parivrrta Parsvakonasna – Turn from back hip. Keep the hip flexed, do not let it bounce up. Head back.

Prasarita Paddottonasna – Bend from the hip sockets take them down. Then we  were asked to take our hands all the way back palms up, now the hip sockets are down. Keep them there and place hands in classical position.

Parsvottonasna – Lift the back toes up to bring weight to the back heel.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Lift the toes up, be on the heel only and then tadasana thighs take them BACK BACK BACK. Do not do a little and be satisfied with that, do MAXIMUM

Paschimottonasna – Release the inner thighs let them be passive. Then go forward with the inner thighs to go down. If the inner thighs draw up then the inner arch of the foot will also shrink. Broaden the inner arch of the foot. Do not catch the feet extend the arms forward from the inner arm.

Janu Sirsasana – Pacify the back leg.

Paschimottonasana Repeat.

Sirsasana – Demonstration on stage of correct rolling of the elbows, also demonstrated the broadening of the arch and how this affected the hip sockets and thighs. Circularize the thighs. Ankle bones together inner knees apart – try this in your own practice.

Sarvangasana- Broaden back arch







Day 5 Abhijata and Guruji


Tadasana – Identifying the front and back arch and pressing firmly.

                        Harden the inner knees and move them back

The long thigh bones BACK BACK BACK. Make the femurs vertical,      not slanting forwards. Then feel the knees.

Trikonasana – Flex at the hip to go down all the while keep the outer back corner of the thigh back to go down. Keep the weight on the HEEL of the front foot, we always go forwards onto the sole.

Parsvakonasana – Flex at the hip to go down. Keep the outer top thigh drawing back. Buttock should be LOWER than the knee. Do not allow the hip to bounce up when the arm goes over the ear.

Vira 1 – Inner back thigh hit up. Bend the knee from the groin. Move the tailbone to the groin, groin to the knee – forget bending the knee. Repeated 5 times each side.

Ardha Chandrasana – For the confidence and stability back and front arch of the standing foot must press. Same action in top foot. Refined rotation in hip demonstrated on stage. Not to over roll the top hip up. Bottom of the top hip facing forwards, top of the top hip lift UP. Front flank of top hip facing front, back flank of top hip lifting up, buttocks stacked vertically one over the other.

Vira 3 – Same emphasis on foot. Upper leg foot both sides parallel do not let inner foot shrink. We put the hands down to get the action of the top leg then we pressed both sides of the arch down to lift the hands off of the floor.

Parivrrta Tikonasana – Even menstruation could do if they followed his instructions. Turn from the back hip, do not turn from the torso. Inner thighs hitting away from each other.

Parivrrta Parsvakonasna – Turn from back hip. Keep the hip flexed, do not let it bounce up. Head back.

Prasarita Paddottonasna – Bend from the hip sockets take them down. Then we  were asked to take our hands all the way back palms up, now the hip sockets are down. Keep them there and place hands in classical position.

Parsvottonasna – Lift the back toes up to bring weight to the back heel.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Lift the toes up, be on the heel only and then tadasana thighs take them BACK BACK BACK. Do not do a little and be satisfied with that, do MAXIMUM

Paschimottonasna – Release the inner thighs let them be passive. Then go forward with the inner thighs to go down. If the inner thighs draw up then the inner arch of the foot will also shrink. Broaden the inner arch of the foot. Do not catch the feet extend the arms forward from the inner arm.

Janu Sirsasana – Pacify the back leg.

Paschimottonasana Repeat.

Sirsasana – Demonstration on stage of correct rolling of the elbows, also demonstrated the broadening of the arch and how this affected the hip sockets and thighs. Circularize the thighs. Ankle bones together inner knees apart – try this in your own practice.

Sarvangasana- Broaden back arch







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