Barely managed to drag myself out of bed bleary eyed at 6am, still dark as we set off through the park from our flat to the institute. The weather is unusually cool for India at the moment and shockingly I had to dig out a cardi from the depths of the suitcase.It was a classic Prasant class (hark at she, the Prasant expert after a week!). Many repetitions of simple poses and plenty of food for thought:Asana should be iconic not photographic. The temple does not need to be outwardly beautiful, we go there to worship and receive the bounty of the peaceful energy there. It does not matter what the outward presentation of the pose is, the bounty inside is what is important.

We worked piece by piece within the pose 1. With body awareness 2. With Breath awareness 3. For the mind 4. For the sensesThen worked on combinations 1 and 2, 1 and 4, 2 and 3 etc. And finally all four simultaneously.After class we headed to the upstairs studio to observe a Senior Citizens class. Absolutely fascinating to watch. The first time I’ve seen props used, the teaching was excellent (Sushma), the pace slow but continuous, the tone kind but still firm. So for example Prasarita Paddottonasna from Urdhva Hastasana to fingertips on bolster x 3 up and down on the inhalation / exhalation then move on. Will definitely get to all that I can manage to observe over the month. And who knows I may start one of my own when I return.

In the afternoon we headed off in the rickshaw (Complete with face scarf to try to avoid the fumes) to Dorabjees (International supermarket where you can find everything from soya milk to Evian water, which Jenny accidentally spent £3 buying a very small bottle of!).Looking forward to a small lie in and Guruji and Abhi tomorrow.
Day 8 – Prashant
· X legs parvatasana
· Rope sirsasana
Many Repetitions of:
· Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
· Parsva Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana
· Chair bharadvajasana sitting sideways
· Chair bharadvajasana sitting through the chair
· Marichyasana 1
· Marichyasana 3
· Choice of Janu Sirsasana / brick set bandha / Viparita Karani
· X legs bend forwards
Asana should be iconic not photographic. Temple may not be outwardly beautiful we go there to worship and receive the bounty of the peaceful energy there. It does not matter what the outward presentation of the pose is, the bounty inside is what is important.
Worked piece by piece 1. With body awareness 2. With Breath awareness 3. For the mind 4. For the senses
Then worked on combinations 1 and 2, 1 and 4, 2 and 3 etc. And finally all four simultaneously.