Another day of practice on the terrace. Today's bird sightings included the Grey Hornbill (he's been visiting regularly, but it was only today I was able to put a name to the face) and a Purple-rumped Sunbird. Class this evening was Raya and there was no messing around - first pose was Sirasasana plus variations, dropping back to Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana for those that could. Of course if that was the opener, it was likely that we were going to progress to some pretty challenging asana and indeed we did - Pinca Mayurasana, Open-palm Sirsasana and AMVrkasana all dropping back in the centre of the room. My palms sweat just watching someone else do these poses and I couldn't help but be humbled by his quite raw, newly-intermediate students who were game to get up there and give them a go. It strengthened my resolve to get a practice buddy to get more familiar with the full range of drop backs, as I'm practicing them maximum once every two years when I come to Pune and Raya teaches them!
The standard in the room was very high, with most people practicing them independently and Raya offering his help to those who asked for it, though he did not encourage us to work togther for the drop backs as I would have liked, to build me up to go solo. Since there was only one of him, it was either a case of stopping the practice and watching him help other people waiting for the times he would be free to help, or just getting on with it independently. There were a lot of students that were practicing at the wall, but I actually have a fear of this - I'd rather be in the centre than worrying about getting the right distance from the wall. For those students who weren't ready at all, he gave a few alternative poses which I've updated below.
January 23rd 2025 – Raya Drop Backs
Sirsasana – Think about what you need in the pose. Make it a natural pose – not a casual pose – they are not the same. Treat it like a friend - if you know someone well you don't beat around the bush, you can get straight to the point.
Parsva Sirsasana - Natural Pose.
Parivrrta Eka Pada Sirsasana.
Sirsasana dropping back to Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana.
AMVrksasana at wall.
Pinca Mayurasana at wall plus different arm positions – Palms down, palms facing, palms facing ceiling.
Pinca Mayurasana in centre.
Pinca Mayurasana in centre with rolled or folded sticky mat under elbows.
AMVrksasana in centre.
Pinca Mayurasana in centre different arm positions.
Pinca Mayurasana drop backs in centre (not with elbows up on the rolled sticky for drop backs). For those who were not ready to attempt this, they were free to return to practicing Sirsasana drop backs or 6 x Urdhva Dhanurasana with feet at the wall.
Pinca Mayurasana palms on the bolster (do not drop back in this position).
Open palms Sirsasana drop backs then pushing up into Urdhva Dhanurasana.
AMVrksasana dropping back into Urdhva Dhanurasana - Figure out when is the best time to bend your legs.
AMSvanasana / Bharadvajasana 1