Flowers in the park snapped by Jenny
A blissful day – I love waking up in my room here with yesterday’s yoga radiating around my body – there are a remarkable array of birds and they are very vocal! Also we have had an incredibly long bout of wet and windy weather back in the UK so it’s just so uplifting to wake up to sunshine and birdsong. I’m hoping while I’m here to go on one of the bird walks so I can educate myself to recognise at least some of them. The pic below was taken today by Kate Watson also studying at RIMYI.

Pair of Grey Hornbills
Enjoyed a lovely backbend practice in the apartment this morning. I think I actually prefer ‘corner of the bed back arch’ to ‘chair back arch’ – the way the corner gets directly to the spine is great and best of all you don’t need any special equipment, which makes it perfect ‘ hotel room yoga’.

Headed off to the Mariott after lunch and was not surprised to find it stuffed full of Iyengar yogi’s enjoying their day off. Ice cold water and warm, warm sun to dry off in. On the way out I couldn’t resist popping into their café and having a yummy salad and utterly sublime soya milk hot chocolate.

The pool at the Mariott
Across the road from the Mariott there is a department store and I am now the ludicrously pleased owner of a brand new blender (it’s the small things!)Bizarrely I was required to state whether I was married or not to make my purchase!? I’ve been missing delicious frothy lassies since leaving Goa and also I like to make my own healthy sweets – everything here is dripping with fat and jaggery (a kind of unrefined sugar, fine in very small doses). Just a blend of dates, fresh shredded and creamed coconut, cocoa powder, nuts and seeds. I think another trip to Dorabjee is on the cards!

A Flying Jenny Dog!
