One of the Murals adorning the outer walls of the Institute
The day started with my own practice at home, remembering feeling lousy as I sat and watched Geeta’s class last Wednesday. All the work to strengthen my back body is really starting to take hold and I did best ever navasana. I’m finally tackling those avoided areas of difficulty. Geetaji taught a wonderful class. It was quite a sight to behold, her expertise at wringing out every last drop was on full display “Do or Die”.
It’s sad to say that it does help to be just a tiny bit scared of the teacher to reach this level of depth – we all really enjoyed Gulnaz’s class, but did she wring out every last drop “NO!”
She taught a compelling sequence of forward bends and twists, taking them further and further, deeper and deeper. The uttanasana towards the end of the sequence was enlightening to watch. Everyone was beautifully warmed up, so one and all were taking palms to the floor. Then she had them walk the palms beyond the feet, lengthening the side trunk and walking the hands more and more, more and more. People were getting so deeply into it their noses were practically buried inbetween their ankle bones! Afterwards she reminded them how they put such limits on themselves – how often do we go anywhere near our maximum?
I love it here!
After class went to MG Road with Lynda for shopping and lunch. Afternoon spent chilling before another wonderful medical class. Unfortunately poor Julian joined me as one of the students after slipping a disc in his back. I wondered where he’d got to!
About 5 years into my yoga life I was surprised to find during a routine medical that I had gained a full inch in height! Well after this work in the medical class, I reckon I’ve found at least another half inch – I’m like a leaf gradually unfurling!
On my way home walked straight into what seemed like a festival – as far as I could tell, to celebrate the unveiling of the newly adorned Toyota roundabout, now resplendent with huge replicas of Indian musical instruments. There were banners and fairy lights, loudspeakers and speeches, horns a beeping as the traffic was being held up and ridiculously loud and low to the ground fireworks. Complete and utter noisy chaos!

15th-january-2014 (medical)