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Day 22

Tamara Hockey

What an extraordinary day! Started with observing a phenomenal Geeta backbend class. She gave no less than 13 Urdhva Dhanurasana – gradually aligning and refining until the class stopped the gross poses, grunting and groaning and became sleek and aligned and able to work quietly despite the monumental effort they were putting in. She had them starting from dandasana, observing their exact central placement on the mat and placing palms and elbows with meticulous attention, making sure that the body worked evenly, calmly to go up. It was a sight to behold and you could see how people were able to go inwards working in this way.

After class headed for lunch with Gerry, Lynda and Laura followed by a trip to Laxmi Road Market which was quite something. Narrow lanes filled to bursting with stalls and shops selling anything and everything; bindis, fake hair extensions, kitchen implements, clothes, fabric, shoes, belts. A shopper’s paradise.

Went home with a couple of hours to rest before medical. Both Guruji and Geeta were in attendance and once again I had the privilege of working with Guruji. I felt calmer and less emotional than last time. It was still very hard and he was still displeased with me, making similar observations to last time. He said I am a teacher not a student, because I could not submit to him. I was unsure what more I could do – I felt I was doing my utmost.  He also said he was rude (as in bad mannered!) on the outside because I was rude on the inside – not sure what to make of that, perhaps he was referring to my uncooperative pancreas! It was a similar pace to last time with the work continuing right to the last second of the class. During parts of it as I struggled to lift and activate those weakest and dullest of areas it felt like the monumental effort required to give birth and I heard myself making noises not dissimilar. This time at least, I managed to thank him before he disappeared at the end of the class.

On the way home I felt light and elated (again reminded me of the relief after a labour is finished). Now I am dog tired and ready for a good rest.

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