Pranayama week began today with Geeta’s class this morning. A sequence of supine poses and rope sirsasana / chair sarvangasana followed by ujayii and anta kumbhaka. The tone was very different to how we teach pranayama back home – very severe and strict despite the peaceful nature of the subject matter.
After class went off to the perfume shop with Eva and Lynda and got the oils people back home had requested. Some of it was for Tanya who had asked me only to get if it was completely pure. As I was buying the neroli oil, I was double checking it’s purity and he let slip that he had a higher quality one but insisted that we wouldn’t need such a high grade oil for our purposes – he was extremely reluctant to sell it to me and was quite cagey about mentioning anything again in case I made him sell me any other unnecessarily high purity oils that he deemed me undeserving of!
Went to Laxmi Road again in an attempt to find fabric for my daughter’s trousers – but no luck, they simply don’t seem to sell that kind of cotton here. Lynda took me to a packed Indian eatery right in the heart of Tulsi market and the food was delicious.
We had a farewell dinner for Laura tonight who is leaving tomorrow. I was rather chilled to hear from Kirsten that the little puppy who had been jumping up at me and nipping at my legs had a crowd around him today. He was writhing around on the floor with blood pouring out of his mouth and she wondered if he had rabies. Then Gerry said he’d read in the local paper that nine people had died from rabies in Pune recently. I think I may have had a very lucky escape….