Great practice at home, I should have done this all along – I am feeling much stronger and happier with my own yoga. After practice headed to Dimplex – a small shop selling handmade batik items; yoga shorts, t-shirts, mat bags as well as Iyengar Yoga supplies; ropes, belts, blankets etc. After I had placed my order I was shown the workshop in the back where there were 3 women working. One handpainting the wax for batik and 2 on sewing machines making yoga belts.
Back home I made another batch of delicious coconut and pistachio truffles. I blended; soaked dates, creamed coconut, grated fresh coconut, cocoa and pistachios and formed ball shapes which were rolled in grated coconut and put in the fridge to set. Seriously yummy.
Medical class was great. I continued to follow the exact sequence given by Guruji last time I worked with him. I feel I’m making real progress with it now and am very sad to be leaving on Friday (though very excited to be going home to family).
Was pretty fed up to get back to the apartment and find still no internet and no answer from landlady’s phone. Must be a whole week now and I’ve no hotel booked for Mumbai and haven’t been able to Skype the kids either. Bah Humbug!
