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Day 4

Tamara Hockey

The day got off to a great start with the women’s class taught by Gulnaz. She was very relaxed and easy going but still taught a really thorough and deep reaching class, starting with 20 minutes of Adho Mukha Swastikasana! So helpful to be reminded the power of repeating poses so that they can fully evolve – we did at least 5 repeats of parivrtta janu sirsasana and parivrtta upavista konasana and then the parivrrta standing poses that followed were incredible – the body could just turn so freely and without any specific instruction many of us took the whole palm to the floor.


After class we headed for Dorabjees to stock up on brown rice and all the other bits and pieces that are difficult to get anywhere else. It has a big gluten free and organic section and just about anything else a westerner might need – at a price. Note to self: next time remember to pack balsamic vinegar, olive oil etc. These items are available, but for at least 3 times the price of back home. A small bag of Tesco (yes really) quinoa £3.90. On the bright side watermelons about 20p a kilo and the fruit is utterly divine. Juicy deep red pomegranate heaven! Although we can get these fruits back home something major is lost in transit. Across the road from Dorabjees is the toy shop where I was delighted to find the sister of the small indian doll I bought my daughter Josie last year. She will be made up! Most days I read her a chapter of her storybook over skype and for the rest of the month the doll will have to be with me in view of the camera. It’s the small things …

The institute is closed completely on a Sunday so I bought a bolster from the shop there for £3.30 so that I can practice in the apartment tomorrow. Although I am sure for many it was a disappointment that Geeta wasn’t teaching today, I’m glad she is taking a break. As I was sat outside taking notes after the medical class yesterday the Iyengar family returned from an outing. First Guruji escorted by Abhi, then Geeta with Abhi’s beautiful baby daughter (she’s unbelievably dainty and pretty), Prashant instantly appeared to carry the baby inside – it was so sweet. But it really made me aware just how intrusive it is to have the home and institute together. Never a second away from the hoardes and hoardes of foreign students, many of whom behave like tourists. Teaching can be exhausting, hence the reason we all come here for our month of respite to be fed with inspiration for our own practice and the year’s teaching ahead. But where do you go if you are an Iyengar? They are always giving.

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