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Day 8

Tamara Hockey
A beacon of colour and light as I walked home.

A beacon of colour and light as I walked home.

Started the day observing the women’s class with Geetaji. Was sad not to be in it but it was interesting to watch and get the opportunity to take some thorough notes. Although she was not too well, her voice struggling despite the mic – she taught a beautiful forward bend sequence.

Spent the afternoon resting and headed for medical class at 6pm. It was perhaps the most physically and mentally challenging experience of my life. I ended up with a face like a big red tomato and in tears – the inevitable release of held emotion, that was actually preventing me from breathing properly – so good that it’s begun to come out I guess. I would however have preferred not to have been quite so observed. Aside from all the teachers and students, there are always many people who come to look and learn. I’d probably be quite upset if the milkman was mad at me, so Guruji’s stern disapproval was intolerably hard to bear.

He has told me I need to put my intelligence aside and be more like an animal, then he might be able to teach me. Part of the problem is being so much in my brain, so it may be that the blog now becomes much more sporadic – spending my evenings writing up notes and blogging is not helping me to be less brain orientated. There was so much heat in my head and body that when I came home I spent a loooong time in a cool shower – as the cold water hit me it was running off hot. I was like a furnace pumping out heat. Managed to sleep okay to begin with but was woken up at dawn by an unwelcome game of hide and seek with a lone mosquito.

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